Classic Motorcycle Build

Primary Chain Removal Norton Commando

Article by Mark Trotta

The transmission of a Norton Twin consists of primary chain, stator and rotor, engine sprocket, clutch, chainwheel, and chaincase.

primary chain removal Norton Commando

This article details how to remove these components, plus how to use the required special tools.


Clutch removal is covered in a separate article.

850 Commando clutch tool

Read: Clutch Removal Norton Commando


Chainwheel (Clutch Drum)

Chainwheel removal requires a special tool. I purchased mine from The Bonneville Shop in Montana.

1974 Commando clutch removal

After taking off nut and locking tab washer, clutch locking tool (Norton # 06-1015 or equivalent) fits over center hub, allowing removal of nut of gearbox mainshaft.

motorcycle engine disassembly

Clutch hub locking tool in use.

Norton Commando remove clutch drum


Alternator Stator and Rotor

The stator is held onto the crankshaft sprocket with three 5/16" fine-thread nuts with washers and spacers.

Norton Twin stator replacement

Behind the stator is the alternator rotor.

850 Commando remove stator

You'll need a way to prevent the chain from turning while removing sprocket nut. Here I'm using a universal primary chain locking tool.

motorcycle engine tools

The alternator rotor may or may not come off easily. If not, apply equal pressure with two tire levers or similar from behind.

Be sure to collect the rotor keyway, collar, and shim.

Norton Commando remove alternator

Pictured above: rotor spacer and alignment shim.

Engine Sprocket

Removing the crankcase (engine) sprocket requires a puller, Norton 06-4297 or equivalent.

Norton Twin engine sprocket removal

Sprocket Puller

I was able to adapt a universal pulley puller. Hub threads are 5/16 UNF (fine thread).

Norton Commando engine sprocket tool

Bolt length needed for this application was 4-1/2". Be sure that bolts are threaded in at least 1/2" before trying to loosen.

A few turns with a socket and ratchet and BAM! the sprocket popped loose.

It may help to tap the side of the sprocket a few times with a drift and hammer.

1974 Commando chaincase

Primary chain, engine sprocket, and chainwheel come off together.

Norton Twin chaincase removal

Inner cover is retained by three 1/4" UNC bolts with locking plates.

motorcycle engine disassembly


Notes and Misc

To maintain proper clutch and sprocket alignment, note any and all spacers and washers for that came off during disassembly.


Related Articles:

Norton Commando Build
Clutch Removal
Cylinder Head Removal
Engine Removal
Pinion Gear Removal
Timing Cover Removal and Installation
Cracked Cooling Fin Repair