Classic Motorcycle Build

Pinion Gear Removal Norton Commando

Article by Mark Trotta

After removing the 850 Commando engine from the frame and sitting it up on the workbench, the last thing to do before separating the cases was to remove the pinion gear.

850 Commando engine teardown

Like many other British Twins (Triumph's BSA's and others), the Norton pinion gear is a press fit onto the crankshaft. A specialty tool is usually needed, but if the gear is not that tight, you may be able to pry it off with a pair of small pry bars or flat-blade screwdrivers.

If the old gear happens to slip off the shaft without any effort, you have a worn-out gear. It's best to replace a loose gear, otherwise you'll have excessive noise.

And if it's on there tight, you're buying the special extractor tool.

British Twins Specialty Tools

The only tool currently available is actually for BSA and Triumph Twins, but will work on Norton Twins with modification.

The tool cost about $65. I purchased mine from The Bonneville Shop in Montana.

crankshaft pinion puller service tool Triumph Norton BSA

Pictured above, aftermarket crankshaft pinion extractor puller. The Norton service part number is 61-6019.


Pinion Removal Tool Issues

If the gear is not that tight, the puller may work as is. But if it's stuck tight, the jaws will slip off, in which case the tool needs to be modified to work.

crank gear puller for Triumph Norton and BSA Twins

This is because the jaws on the puller are curved, and don't properly fit under the Norton gear.

The Fix

After securing it in soft jaw pads in a workbench vise, the outer edges of each jaw were ground down with an electric grinder.

electric grinder tool

If you're using a hand-held electric grinder, grind for no more than five or ten seconds on each jaw, then stop and check. You don't need or want to take too much off.

Norton Commando pinion removal tool issues

The jaws don't need to be perfectly flat straight across. The ends just need to be ground down slightly, like in the pictures.

pinion gear puller for Norton Twins

The entire grinding process took less than three minutes.


Extractor Tool In Use

To use, back off the puller sleeve until the three legs are extended enough to reach behind the gear, then hand tighten the knurled body. Next, thread the center bolt snug to the shaft.

TIP: before using extractor tool, spray some WD40 or similar penetrant onto the gear and let soak.

British motorcycle service yools

Slowly turn the outer bolt head with a wrench or socket. If all goes well, the pinion will begin to back off from the crankshaft.

Heating up the area beforehand will also help.

Norton Commando remove crank gear

With the jaw's outer ends ground flat, the puller got a good bite on this tight gear!


Back Plate and Sealing Washer

After gear is off, the crankshaft pinion back plate (the triangle-shaped washer) can be pulled out with a couple of magnets.

Norton Commando pinion gear removal

The washer tends to stick because of the oily surface. Here I'm using a few magnetic sticks from a kids game.

Norton Commando pinion gear removal

Behind the crankshaft pinion back plate is the sealing washer (oil sealing disc), which can also be removed with magnets.

Norton Commando pinion gear removal


Engine Work Stand

A simple DIY work stand for Norton Twin engines.

motorcycle engine stand

Material needed is four pieces of 2x4 lumber and eight screws.

engine work stand for Norton Twin

Total stand cost was about five dollars.

For more DIY motorcycle tools click here


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