Classic Motorcycle Resources
There's a great satisfaction from keeping an old motorcycle from becoming a parts donor, or worse (scrap metal). Bringing a dead machine back to life is a feeling like no other.
Five Reasons To Buy A Basket Case Motorcycle

Motorcycle Project Choices
To get your old motorcycle running it's best, your engine needs the proper mix of fuel and air. And like all mechanical devices, carburetors wear with usage. They sometimes require internal cleaning and adjustment.

Motorcycle Carburetor Problems
What Is It From and What Does It Fit?

Harley Forks Identification
Right out of the box, a Super E will pull harder and will let the engine rev easier than a stock unit.

Best Carb For Shovelhead
Everything is easier when you have the proper tools.

Motorcycle Repair Tools and Equipment
AGM batteries are sealed, spill-free, and maintenance-free. They have a much lower discharge rate than a conventional battery, making them a great choice for motorcycles that are not ridden every day.

AGM Motorcycle Battery Review
Outdoor Motorcycle Covers

Best Motorcycle Covers
If you store your bike over the winter, untreated fuel may go bad in as little as six months. Longer than that, a fuel system cleaning is recommended. In order to prevent damage from corrosion and inactivity, follow these storage tips.
Motorcycle Storage Tips
There are dozens of products to seal engine cases, and the ones that are sold at automotive parts stores are almost always wrong for your motorcycle.

Anaerobic Gasket Sealer Review
A drill press will surprise you with how many things it's capable of doing. Add a few attachments, and it's even more useful.

7 Drill Press Uses For Motorcycle Repair
Motorcycle Electrical
Basic Motorcycle Wiring
Wiring A Motorcycle From Scratch
Wiring Through Handlebars

Electrical Wiring For Motorcycles
There's plenty of hydraulic sealants on the market, but only one is advertised to safely work with brake systems. Permatex 54540 seals any metal thread and will not contaminate brake fluid.

Best Thread Sealant For Brake Fittings
Wavian has been manufacturing metal gas cans for various NATO militaries for over 80 years. They're simply the best Jerry can on the market.

Wavian Metal Gas Can Review

Isle of Man TT
I've worn my Bell Qualifier DLX through five winters and five summers. Even after two-hour rides, it's still comfortable.

Bell Qualifier DLX Helmet Review
Motorcycle Helmet Choices
Falling off a classic bike will hurt just as bad as falling off a modern bike! When I ride with proper safety gear, I enjoy the ride better.
Motorcycle Safety Gear
Motorcycle Accident Legal Help - Approximately two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers of other vehicles. Motorcycles are smaller and harder to see than other vehicles, and drivers that do not have motorcycle awareness will not be on the lookout for motorcycles. Motorcycle usage is increasing, and having motorcycle awareness can save lives.
Ride Safe - Always Look Twice
MotorMouthRadio - If you like cars and like to laugh, check out in Chris and Ray's podcast.
Having a battery jump pack with you when traveling means never getting stranded with a dead battery. They're handy for cars, motorcycles, ATV's...any vehicle that doesn't get driven regularly.

Battery Jump Pack Review
The more repair work you do yourself, the less you have to pay someone else. Although parts continue to go up in price (along with shop rates), your time and labor remains the same.

DIY vs Machine Shop
Unlike classic car builders, who can order a crate motor and have it delivered to their door, the classic motorcycle builder has just two choices when needing an engine overhaul; find a shop that is reputable, dependable, reasonably priced, and familiar with vintage engines, --or-- rebuild the engine themselves.

Motorcycle Engine Build

Kick-Starting An Old Motorcycle
I first read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' in the early eighties. It's really not about Zen, and there's not too much on motorcycle maintenance, but some of it stayed with me for 40 years.

Buy: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Although first seen in the 1940s, it wasn't until the go-kart craze of the 1960s that brought the mini-bike back into vogue. As with karts, the list of manufacturers grew quickly, including brands such as Rupp, Rutland, Fox, Lil Indian, Cat, and many others.
Read: Minibike History

Classic Mini-Bike Build
I don't feel like going for a ride today. Said no motorcycle rider ever.

Sunday Morning Motorcycle Ride