Classic Motorcycle Build

Best Motorcycle Quotes and Sayings

You'll never see a motorcycle parked in front of a therapist's office.

You will never see a motorcycle parked in front of a therapists office


I don't feel like going for a ride today. Said no motorcycle rider ever.

best motorcycle sayings


Straights are for fast bikes. Turns are for fast riders.

When you ride, happiness is not around the corner happiness is the corner


"When I’m riding my motorcycle, I’m glad to be alive. When I stop riding my motorcycle, I’m glad to be alive." - Neal Peart

motorcycle quotes and sayings


If you don’t get off your bike, turn around to admire it and think to yourself this is the most perfect bike in the world for you, then you are riding the wrong bike!

1976 Ironhead Sportster


"Some people will tell you that slow is good - and maybe it is some days - but fast is better. I've always believed this in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube." - Hunter S. Thompson

hunter s thompson fast is better


"There are old bikers and there are bold bikers, but there are no old, bold bikers." - Evel Knievel

evel knievel quote


"The crappier my week was, the longer my Sunday ride is." - Motorcycle Mike

1997 Harley-Davidson Road King


"Just as aerodynamic airplanes are simple and streamlined, a motorcycle--which manages to balance an engine and a seat between two wheels--has a mechanical integrity, with intertwining pipes, chains and springs, that is fascinating to behold." - Peter Plagens

Norton Commando history


If I had a dollar for every time someone said motorcycles are unsafe, I'd have enough money to buy a new motorcycle.

motorcycle at daybreak


People express themselves differently. Some paint pictures, some compose music, some craft fine jewelry. And some build motorcycles.

Hardtail Sportster Build

When you sit on something you built from parts, you're sitting on top of the world.

Hardtail Sportster build


"There are no bad motorcycles, only intolerant riders." - Vintage Vinny

Triumph motorcycle


"When I did The Great Escape, I kept thinking, 'If they were making a movie of my life, that's what they'd call it - the great escape.' " - Steve Mcqueen

Steve Mcqueen in The Great Escape movie


The difference between playing golf and riding a motorcycle is, golfing requires only one ball.

favorite motorcycle sayings


You don't stop riding because you get old - you get old because you stop riding.

Black Shadow motorcycle


If I could get back all the money I've ever spent on motorcycles...I'd spend it ALL on motorcycles!

best motorcycle quotes


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Falling off a classic bike will hurt just as bad as falling off a modern bike - Wear proper safety gear!

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